Kamis, 23 Oktober 2008

The Background of Our Birth



In Balewiyata Theological Institute, Malang, Indonesia

13th – 25th October 2008

Back Ground

Globalization has caused the world to become more open and interdependence between one and another. Countries become more and more borderless. Societies are more and more pluralistic in ethnic, races, traditions, cultures and religions. In religion people used to live homogeneously in the past. Now they live together heterogeneously in religions and faiths. All of these realities are experienced by both Indonesian society and German/ Dutch society. However many religious people, especially Christian and Muslim have not prepared enough theologically, politically and culturally to the new situation. There are a lot of prejudice, tension, hatred, even conflicts openly. As the result religions are presented by their adherents not as the solution of human problems in societies, but it is still the problem itself. We believe that this reality is indeed contrary to the essence and spirit of religion as the religion of peace, love and blessing for mankind and the world..

Name of the Joint Program

Starting from the back ground as such Balewiyata Theological Institute in joint program with U E M (United in Mission) will arrange program: Christian – Muslim Dialog on “OVERCOMING PREJUDICE FOR AND THROUGH LIVING TOGETHER.” In Germany and Netherlands Christians are the majority and Muslims are the minority. German and Dutch Christians or churches are mainly dealing with Islam which is based on East Turkey and Marocco traditional background. While in Indonesia Muslims are the majority and Christians are the minority. A lot of problems, prejudice and psychological wounds are experienced by Muslims in Germany as a minority as well as Christians in Indonesia as a minority. For example, how difficult it is for Christians in Indonesia to build their church building. It is similar to Muslims in Germany and Netherlands in building their mosque. We believe by sharing knowledge, experiences and feelings we will be able to learn from each other. We will be able to widen our view and to reduce a lot of prejudices and to help to each other.

The Aim of the Program

We have a lot of dialog between Christian and Muslim or Dialog between people of different faith and religions. However, the dialog is often far too academic and no more than discourses. Apart from seminars and discourses on academic level this program is also arranged how each participant has experience to live together, namely by program “live in”. Christian participants for three days live in Muslim traditional school (pesantren) and Muslim participants live in Christian community (congregations), then they share their feeling and experiences to each other.

We would like to invite members of UEM churches in Germany and the Netherlands to join in inter religious workshop that will give the participants the opportunity of:

· Making practical experiences by living together in Muslim community for Christians and in Christian community for Muslims.

· Ecognizing misunderstanding, prejudices and the need of both Christian and Muslim communities .

· Learning about and from the situation of Christians who are a minority status

· Enriching our dialog in Indonesia by sharing experiences with Indonesian of both faith, Islam and Christian.

· Working out strategies of going forward in dialog in both contexts, the Indonesian and the European situation and condition.

· Strengthening faith and fellowship with truly believers in other parts of Gods beautiful world.

The Seminar Structure

Venue : Balewiyata Theological Institute, Jl S. Supriyadi 18,

Malang 65147, Indonesia

Date : 13 th – 25 th October 2008

Participants : 32 participants :

10 : German, Netherland, and Phillipines Christian


10 : Indonesian Christian pastors/leaders

2 : Indonesian Catholic Pastors/leaders.

10 : Indonesian Muslim ulama/leaders

Methodology : Seminar, discourse, sharing, discussion, live in, devotion,

art presentation, exposure, cultural evening, live in and


Schedule : Enclosed.

Speakers : Prof. Dr. Musdah Mulia

Prof. Dr. Olaf Schuman

Rev. Dr. Bambang Ruseno Utomo

Prof. Dr. John Titaley

Rev. Dr. Yewangoe

Dr. Luthfi Assyaukanie

Prof. Masykuri Abdillah

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